What is Self Created Health?

Self Created Health is a totally stand alone workshop in terms of the content and the approach. It is an advanced workshop offered by Quantum-Touch and can be taken before the other workshops if preferred. This workshop is often attended by those working with others in therapeutic settings and also those wishing to transform and heal their own physical/emotional issues.

It has taken me 29 years to develop this seminar. Based on my own insights and the work of many great people, I managed to piece together a highly effective system for discovering, releasing, and transforming emotional causation into love, gratitude and beyond.

Richard Gordon – Founder of Quantum-Touch

In Quantum-Touch level I we work mainly with hands on healing and learn how to align bones with energy, distance healing, self healing and much more. In Quantum-Touch II we learn how love affects absolutely everything and how malleable we are. We work hands off and work more deeply with structure, the brain and the 10 chakras for manifesting and changing beliefs. I have always said that Quantum-Touch II blows it all out the water and is totally transformative. So what is Self Created Health?

My sister flew in last week for tests, with the consultants talking about ‘when’ with regards to surgery and cancer rather than ‘if’. We are both big on energy work and healing so she was totally open to my offer of going through a Self Created Health process. We had such a powerful session together last Friday, with me sending her some Quantum energy whilst she was going through her 20 minutes of pain focus. Yesterday she received the ‘benign, all fine’ results and whilst certainly deserving of huge credit for her positive approach throughout, she is adamant that it was the Self Created Health process that was responsible for turning it around.

Cass Bennett, UK

7 Steps to Health

Step 1

It could be said that Self Created Health is for people who are ready and want to get to the bottom of their physical condition. Self Created Health takes you way beyond that “point”, and immediately gives you a way to understand the hidden yet mind blowingly obvious clues in a person’s language. In step 1 you are taught the Discovery Process. The Discovery Process is a brilliant and fast way to find the exact emotional event that triggered the physical condition. Using a specific set of questions you are able to help others accurately pinpoint the event they need to release.

The key to remember is that unless you know what you are looking for it is usually difficult to find. This is especially true for seeing our own stories and being able to detach from them to see clearly enough. That is why the discovery process is done with a partner in Self Created Health, because your partner will be able to help you find the emotional trigger event to your physical condition within 45 minutes. Once you have practiced this process a few times you will be able to do this within 20 – 30 minutes. The accuracy of this process is astounding and even though I have now done this with clients hundreds of times, I continue to be gobsmacked at the precise nature of our actions and how they play out in our body.

Knowing the cause of the condition usually releases about 20-30% of the symptoms immediately. The rest release throughout the remaining steps in the process.

Steps 2 – 7

Step 2 focuses on releasing the most underlying emotion of all physical conditions – repressed anger.

All the repressed and unacknowledged anger is expressed which frees up an enormous amount of energy for healing to take place. Using a specific, emotionally safe framework you are able to fully let go of the anger that has been expressing itself physically within your body.

Step 3 creates a space for you to huge personal insights, the kind of insights that literally transform that way you interact with others and yourself forever. This involves taking responsibility for ourselves and our feelings which is incredibly liberating both physically and emotionally.

Step 4 invokes a level of such deep self care and embodying the realisation that we have been blaming others for the way we treat ourselves. This inspires step 5,6,7 which is done by using Richard’s own unique way of working with the ancient Hawaiian healing technique “Ho’oponopono” which include the essential ingredients – forgiveness and ultimately ending up where all healing must go to truly heal – Self Love.

Whilst many people have already touched on various steps in the process before, it is the very specific order of the process which produces such profound results. Each step relies on fully completing the step before in order to arrive at the end result – a complete transformation into self love, which results in having gratitude for having had the condition!

Self Created Health requires the commitment to see the entire process through to the other side and the rewards are the experience of a physical, emotional and spiritual healing. There is no hands on healing in Self Created Health, it is more a spiritual and emotional healing of the psyche given in a way that is so loving and easy to learn.

Everyone who is interested in helping themselves, loved ones and taking their client work to another level should learn Self Created Health. I can personally say that it has transformed my own healing work and practise and allowed me the privilege to help many people at a very transformative level.

The Self Created Health seminar has been the best ever healing experience I have ever experienced in a long 37 years of learning natural therapies. It gets to the real root of all health problems and trapped emotions.”

Here are a few Self Created Health testimonials from past participants

Raine, South Africa
After 3 sessions of Self Created Health – 4 years of chronic fatigue gone!

When the large cobwebby floater suddenly appeared in my eye, it was extremely disconcerting and visually intensely annoying. My optometrist said the floater would never go away but that my brain would eventually adapt to not seeing it. A process that could take months but there were no guarantees.

I thought of Karina as I had seen marvellous things with Quantum-Touch. Karina asked me if I would like a healing session or a Self Created Health session. There was some resistance to Self Created Health as I knew there would be homework. The session was astonishing.

Karina homed in on the problem with such accuracy that I was amazed. I now firmly believe the floater was manifested after suddenly seeing my estranged sister. Suffice to say that the pattern in the eye floater even mirrored the pattern on the blind that was used by my sister to block me from seeing into the house! Karina picked up on this connection in our session.

Clearly there were still some unresolved issues that needed to be looked at. Within 72 hours the floater had gone, a few pieces remain but I haven’t finished my part… yet.”

Suzie sent me this message after day 1 of the Level 1 workshop:

Whenever I thought about being a QT practitioner the first feeling was always fear but not anymore.

It’s completely gone, completely and utterly. Awesome is truly the right word for today’s workshop!

Thank you Karina, you are an immensely gifted teacher and practitioner. You have enabled my inner light to be glowing again. Truly grateful beyond words. Life has a sparkle once more. Quantum-Touch rocks!

Suzie L, England

First of all I flew all the way from Kuwait to the United Kingdom to attend the SCH with Karina in October. I arrived at the class with a severe back pain that I described as a “Killer” pain during the first exercise and while my colleague was doing the questioning she asked me when this all started, and I said since the 1998!

While going through the exercise I started having insights about what I thought was the cause. Suddenly when I figured out that this is truly the cause the pain just disappeared, boom just like at in seconds it disappeared, and I was so surprised in that moment.

Later on that day i did the anger release exercise and fell asleep straight away. I woke up the next day so refreshed and as my colleagues say my face was brighter and youthful. This was my experience with the SCH workshop that I wanted to share with you!

Fatemah Shamsah, Civil Engineer, Kuwait

SCH is an amazing course. I can’t believe it is so simple and so quick at getting to the root cause of a condition. I would recommend that everyone should try this. Things come up that you would never have imagined are the cause. Simply brilliant. Thank you soo much! xxx

Sophie Watson, UK Pharmacy Technician and holistic practitioner

My sister flew in last week for tests, with the consultants talking about ‘when’ with regards to surgery and cancer rather than ‘if’. We are both big on energy work and healing so she was totally open to my offer of going through a SCH process. We had such a powerful session together last Friday, with me sending her some Quantum energy whilst she was going through her 20 minutes of pain focus.

Yesterday she received the ‘benign, all fine’ results and whilst certainly deserving of huge credit for her positive approach throughout, she is adamant that it was the SCH process that was responsible for turning it around.”

Cass Bennett, UK

Read more testimonials from other participants.

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